Jeremy Kees, PhD

Professor of Marketing
Director, Center for Marketing and Consumer Insights
|           Academic           |           Consulting       |      CMCI           |           Personal           |
While my research interests are diverse, most of my recent published work is within the broadly-defined public policy and consumer welfare domain, dealing with substantive topics such as nutrition, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, and food supplements. These studies deal with consumer information processing, risk perception, and decision making.

y research program seeks to examine issues important for marketing and society. I conduct meaningful research that will be read by an audience beyond the academic community, and used by those who make impactful decisions which will affect consumer welfare and wellbeing.

My work has been published in a wide variety of peer-reviewed academic journals including premier marketing (Journal of Marketing Research), advertising (Journal of Advertising), public policy (Journal of Public Policy & Marketing) and public health (American Journal of Public Health) journals.

Given the "applied" focus of my research, it has been picked up by some mass media outlets over the years including the Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, MSNBC, and USAToday. I was once featured in a segment on the nationally-televised CBS Early Show. Pretty cool!

While I have been a productive researcher, I give all the credit to my great mentors and coauthors. Scot Burton and Craig Andrews, in particular, have had a profound impact on my career. My curriculum vitae (academic resume) can be downloaded HERE.
Villanova    |    610.519.6145